"Finn is found!!"
After a week of searching, putting up flyers and visiting shelters, Alayna heard about my "Finding a Lost Cat" booklet from someone at the ASPCA. She followed the steps and had her lost cat back home within 24 hours. Finn was very thirsty and drank a lot of water after this reunion hug.
Here's her story...
"My name is Alayna. On Friday October 3rd, my cat Finn went missing due to some visitors leaving our front door open. I searched for him every single day as well as put up flyers and visited shelters with no luck. I was fearful I was running out of time to find him.
Our door is broken and only stays shut if it's locked, which they didn't know so they accidentally left the door open. We have three cats and they all escaped, but two came back.
A neighbor who works with the ASPCA recommended I seek you out and directed me to your website. Unfortunately, as a college student with bills and rent, I'm not left with much expendable money so I could only afford your online booklet about How to Find a Lost Cat. Before bed, I read the whole 42 pages and followed every tip. Then at about 1 in the morning, I found him!
He is sitting here meowing at me right now! When I first got him home, he wasn't so much hungry as really thirsty. The other cats are acting a little weird, but I expect they'll get used to him soon. I am going to take him to a vet as soon as I have a day off. I checked him for bites and scratches and he appears all good to me.
Thank you so much for your amazing advice and helping me get my boy Finn back home!"
Austin, Texas