Ferris Bueller the cat was found after being missing for 2 months!
After Ferris Bueller the cat darted out the door, Jill and her kids could not find him. He was last seen under the neighbor's car, then poof, like a truant school kid, Ferris disappeared.
Thanks to saturating the area with posters and neighbor alerts, finally we got a call and photo from a sharp neighbor who was about 4 miles away!
Jill Tyson Galowski says while he was missing, she's sure her Ferris also drove a yellow Ferrari, visited a museum, and danced on a parade float while he was gone. He's that kind of cat :-)
Check out that found cat face: this truant kitty looks like he's ready to play hookey again.
The good news is Ferris is home, skinny, but healthy. Like the Yello theme song from the Ferris Bueller movie says......Ooooh, yeah!
Jill G
Austin Texas
After being missing for two months,
Ferris has finally been accepted back by the female member of the family, but it took a while.
After lots of hissing, they are pals again!