Light up cat tracking collar glows in the dark.

No More Lost Cats!

Add a cat camera to the collar to see your cat's secret life.
Collar cameras for pets with video used to be too big for a cat to carry and made to ride on the back of dogs.
I've created the first video camera for cats that lets you see where they are AND see where they go.
Putting a cat camera on the Glow Track Collar is made simple and steady with my special 3D printed camera holder that clicks into place. The collar camera is motion activated and rechargeable.
Glow Track is the only cat tracking collar that is lighted, safe breakaway style, and offers a cat camera and tracking device insert. The Kitty Collar camera for cats is the newest addition and comes with a specially designed steady cam clip to keep the cat camera from swaying as the cat walks, so you get footage you can enjoy watching without feeling seasick!
Now with tracking collars from Glow track you can get the best of both worlds, a steady video of your cat's activities, a lighted collar that glows in the dark and a way to keep birds safe from cats who hunt.
Cats deserve a break. Let them continue to enjoy visits outdoor while keeping them safe and appeasing neighbors who seem to mistakenly think cats are in somehow more a threat to birds than the real villains: people, pesticides and buildings!