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Use my experience to triple the chances of finding your lost cat.

Nicole and Sammy lost cat found after 8

With 11 years of finding lost cats around the world, I  know what works.  Let me help you.

After thousands of lost cat cases all over the world, I've learned there's no cookie-cutter advice for every lost cat case.


What does work is tailoring the strategy to the cat. Starting with your cat's situation: indoor only cat or outdoor access? Then use the right techniques for their cat type, terrain and personality.


Finding lost cats has been my full-time job for over a decade, so I'm able to constantly focus & refine my techniques, updating the Lost Cat Kit with the newest discoveries, tricks and tips for finding lost cats.

Learn from the Cat Detective: the specialist in finding lost cats.

Use my experience to skip the agonising days and weeks wasted on outdated advice and lost cat myths so you find your missing cat quickly.

After years of real-life pet detective experience, I know what works.   You could even say I've got it down to a science.

New ways to find lost cats ...based on cat psychology and years of actual boots-on-the-ground lost cat finder experience.

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These new lost cat finder techniques may seem unusual at first. That's because many of them are new -- not the typical myths you've heard from the local "armchair experts." 


Just watch the video & skim the booklet, and you've tripled the chances of finding your missing kitty.


This Lost Cat Kit has gotten thousands of lost cats found, even weeks later after owners had tried all the typical advice like putting out food, kitty litter, reward flyers, posting on social media and Pawboosting like crazy.


It was these new scientific pet detective tips that finally got their lost cat found.


Give these techniques a try. It will be well worth the few dollars to have your missing cat back home.

The latest discoveries on finding lost cats written by a professional lost cat finder.

  • New ideas proven to triple the chances of finding lost kitties.

  • Specific tips to find a lost indoor lost cat vs finding a missing outdoor cat.

  • Top 3 tips to get an escaped cat home within 24 hours.

  • Instant delivery video tutorial + search guide via email..

Lost cats found! Happy reunions & testimonials

A few of the smiles I've brought to cat owners all over the world. To hear their stories, visit my happy reunions page for inspiring stories of lost kitties found after weeks, months and years!

You can more than triple the odds of
recovering your lost cat.

You just need to know how.

Because when it comes to finding a missing cat,
the more you know,
the better your chances.

The Cat Detective as seen on
famous pet detective in the news
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Kim & Henry

the sniffer Search Cat

PET DETECTIVE  for cats pet finder book.

CBS Morning News: The Cat Detective news 

feature: Famous cat finder and pet detective Kim Freeman tells us how she got so good at finding lost cats and how she trained Henry, her feline version of a Bloodhound pet tracking dog.

Click to Watch.

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