As a lost cat finder, I've had several cases of cats jumping off a balcony. Here's the tale a lost cat owner who got cat detective help. Despite weeks lost, she did not give up. Here's her story.
Kim the Lost Cat Finder helped me get my cat who jumped off the balcony home after 34 days missing.
It was April Fool’s Day and the joke was on me. What started out as a normal day turned into a horrible prank by my cat, Jake.
I’m on the second-floor condo. Jake jumped over the balcony railing and into the woods. Just like that poof, he was gone.
After a week of searching and following random advice, I ordered your online Lost Cat Kit. For the first time since Jake’s been lost, I feel like there’s a chance I might get him back. These materials are so helpful and thorough. Until I downloaded your Lost Cat Kit, I did everything wrong. I was so busy listening to random advice; I put out his litter box, put his bed by the door, walked around shaking treat bags and calling him both day and night. Until I got the Lost Cat Kit, I had no idea how bad typical advice really is.
Can I book an appointment with you and get a live consultation? I’m following your tips and really want addition help. Even if I get sightings, I’m not sure I can catch him.
I’m hoping he’s still inside my condo complex, but based on your book, I’m no longer sure. I doubt he’s showing himself to anyone (he hides under the covers whenever someone knocks on the door).
It’s now 11 days since Jake got lost and I've expanded my search. Your flyers are paying off! A neighbor saw Jake in his driveway on Sunday! He showed me on his doorbell camera that a coyote chased a cat. I was both excited and scared, could this be my Jake? Did he get away from the coyote?
One of the neighbors I talked to recommended you. He told me you helped him find his big orange cat Julius when he got out a few years ago.
May 2nd ... two more weeks... no new sightings. I was getting discouraged when you checked in on me, took a fresh look at all the videos and sightings and you gave me the encouragement I needed to not give up. Yes, Jake needed me to find him.
At last, another neighbor called near the outer perimeter of the search zone. She spotted Jake near the woods. I was so excited. I set up the trail camera where she saw him run.
After work, I checked the camera: it showed a possum, then at 4:08 a.m. my boy Jake came into frame! I got 5 videos of him. I’m so excited!
May 4th
Kim met up with me, making a game plan, showing me how to set everything up. As it got dark, we created a stakeout plan in my car, expecting a long night of waiting and wishing.
At 2 hours and 15 minutes, the sensor alarm went off. I took the towel and flashlight that you told me to carry and quietly walked to the trap, hoping my boy was inside.
As soon as I got to the trap, I saw it was DEFINITELY JAKE but he was freaking out. Thank you for the key guidance on having a towel ready. I covered the trap, carried him inside it to my car, collected all your gear and headed home.
I talked softly to him all during the drive home until his frantic yowls turned into regular meows by the time we got home.
I kept him in the trap while I made doubly-damn sure the kitty door to the porch was not only locked, but blocked. My other cat Chloe took one look at him in the trap and ran to hide. She’s now under my bed wide-eyed. As you said, he “doesn’t smell right” to her , but feel confident they will work it out soon.
Once he was out of the trap, he ran hrough the house, then back to me. I got on the bed, and he climbed all over me, purring and loving on me!
I fed him a little bit as per your guide plan—he’s very skinny, I can feel his spine and his ribs, but no other injuries. I’m going to try and see if my regular vet can squeeze in a visit tomorrow.
Jake's been telling me all about his adventures and couldn’t really settle down last night while trying to sleep right on top of me. My other cat Chloe is keeping her distance.
Vets says he looks good for being on his own for 34 days!
He lost 1 ½ pounds. Other than a little scuff on his nose, there wasn’t another mark on him.
Thank you, Kim, for all your help and guidance getting balcony jumper Jake home and encouraging me to NOT GIVE UP. You said he was out there, and you were right. We are both forever grateful to you.
As for Jake’s demeanor? As you can see in these photos, he’s settling in well to being safe back home!